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Showing posts from July, 2012

compose these poet

org boleh ckp apa saja tentang masa lalu kita. jgnlah tertunduk asa mu hnya krna apa yg berlaku. hargai saja, pengalaman2 itulah yg melentur baik-buruknya kita hari ini dan esok. pedulikan bibir2 sumbang yg gemar mbunyikan sejarah hitam hdpmu. berbanggalah kerana kau mampu dn sbenarnya sdh mgatasi dugaan itu kemarin berbanding mereka. doakanlah mereka agar esok hari tetap tekal sperti kita ktika mereka mgalami apa yg mrk lakukn kpd kita. hulurkn saja tgnmu mnolong agar mrk dpt bgn smula. ketika hatimu tringin mgungkit, kuatkn saja hatimu, jgn smpi terucap dibibir - krn kita tetap kita yg bkn sperti mrk.

heart heat beat..

its been so long.... sooner i'll be leave my footprint here.. that it..! like what i ever said... i' leaving... leaving all behind... because smthing wait for me there.. i know..when i leave you.. i will see some like your.. somebody with madness like you ang somebody that i love just like i love you... thats why it is not a big matter for me to leave you behind... i just want to show an appreciation for you kindness...n your sowtness.. sooner i ll foget abt you... so do you...!! life must go on... no matter how big our love rite will be clash...crash like what i ever felt before to my old friend.. and i know... i'll stand by my own foot w/o... thanx bcoz cool n patient with my childy n maddy.. hope you will see the LIGHT n together we get ih THERE...tho see THE ONE.... Aminn